A demonstration of data consolidation and interoperability of medical records using the VICA system and SMART on FHIR to pull data from Cerner's sandbox.

LEAF – Light Enterprise Application Framework
KRM Associates Inc2023-08-16T12:31:19-04:00Building enterprise grade technology applications is hard. Before the first line of code is written, there are a myriad of decisions that need to be made concerning the infrastructure of the application. What operating systems do we use? What application web server do we use? What languages to we use? How do we connect to our existing databases? Where do we even start? By using LEAF, enterprises can enable rapid application development, enforce application consistency and delivery, as well as the streamlining of application provisioning and deployment.

VA My HealtheVet
KRM Associates Inc2017-12-14T14:18:06-05:00In cooperation with members of the Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) program conducted by the White House and in conjunction with the VA, members of KRM participated in a significant expansion of the VA’s Blue Button functionality within the My HealtheVet (MHV) application, the Veteran's portal to their benefits and medical records. This expansion included the [...]