KRM specializes in Healthcare Information Technology (HIT), security assessments, help-desk environments, risk analysis, technical systems’ design and development, certification and accreditation support, and implementation and support services.
Based out of West Virginia, KRM is currently providing a range of open source health information technology solutions and services to private and public sector entities, e.g. Open PHR, Open EMR, and Open HIE solutions. KRM has extensive experience with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VistA electronic health record (EHR) system and the related Indian Health Service (IHS) RPMS system. Learn more about our open source Health & Wellness Management System known as HealtheMe.

VA EHR Modernization
In 2018, KRM Associates (KRM) joined Cerner, a global leader in health care technology, and other industry leaders and innovators to help make seamless care available to the nation’s veterans. This team has worked diligently to modernize the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) electronic health record (EHR). Cerner - now Oracle Cerner - announced the historic agreement in May [...]
Automated Software Testing Tools
It is a challenge today for any company to continuously maintain and improve the quality and efficiency of software development. In many software projects, testing is neglected because of time or cost concerns, which leads to a lack of product quality, followed by customer dissatisfaction and, ultimately, to increased production costs. Our controlled testing has shown a time saving of nearly 99.5% for the second and subsequent test runs, over the first, manual run. This represents a huge return on the investment of the time and effort used to acquire, install, become familiar with, and then use the toolset to design and deploy automated test suites for high-stakes projects

Internet of Things (IoT) Security
Threats to the security of network connected devices continue to increase as the capabilities of IoT continue to evolve. CRISP proactively addresses these threats along a continuum of initiatives.

A demonstration of data consolidation and interoperability of medical records using the VICA system and SMART on FHIR to pull data from Cerner's sandbox.

Amazon Echo – Voice Initiated Care Assistant (VICA)
It is often difficult for patients to understand and comply with medical instructions. KRM has built several Amazon Echo “skills” as proofs-of-concept for our new VICA (Voice Initiated Care Assistant) for use with our care management platform to provide reminders and help at home, while keeping the patient in contact with the care team..

LEAF – Light Enterprise Application Framework
Building enterprise grade technology applications is hard. Before the first line of code is written, there are a myriad of decisions that need to be made concerning the infrastructure of the application. What operating systems do we use? What application web server do we use? What languages to we use? How do we connect to our existing databases? Where do we even start? By using LEAF, enterprises can enable rapid application development, enforce application consistency and delivery, as well as the streamlining of application provisioning and deployment.

VistA Reporting and Dashboarding Solution
VistA's reporting methodology has always been cumbersome for users. Our open-source reporting and dashboarding solution allows users to use modern tools to create and customize reports that can be formatted for optimal printing or display.

VA My HealtheVet
In cooperation with members of the Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) program conducted by the White House and in conjunction with the VA, members of KRM participated in a significant expansion of the VA’s Blue Button functionality within the My HealtheVet (MHV) application, the Veteran's portal to their benefits and medical records. This expansion included the [...]

VistA Related Solutions
For over 17 years, KRM Associates Inc. has been working with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on a number of contracts and projects and our staff also has a vast amount of experience with large implementations of the Indian Health Service’s RPMS system, as well as creating new modules and functionality for the application.

Custom IT Solutions
KRM has long been in demand as an organization that can devise custom software solutions that are both functional and easy to use. We apply industry best practices to design and develop projects that consistently exceed the expectations of our clients.
Gateway Engineering
KRM has an excellent track record configuring and managing large scale, redundant enterprise gateways for organizations.
Technical Proficiencies
KRM Associates Inc has a robust staff with extensive experience and qualifications. KRM employees have applied their skillsets in federal and private applications, and are actively learning and implementing new technologies in an ongoing manner.

Our Health & Wellness Management System solution can ingest information from any CCHIT compliant EMR, and has been proven to interact with an HIE using NHIN CONNECT technology. Open-source means this software can be adapted to meet many user needs.

Healthcare Information Management
Our Health & Wellness Management System solution can ingest information from any CCHIT compliant EMR, and has been proven to interact with an HIE using NHIN CONNECT technology. Open source means this software can be adapted to meet many user needs.
Enterprise Security
KRM can configure and manage large scale redundant, enterprise gateways and can support 7/24/365 high-paced environments.