HealtheMe related items
KRM Associates Inc2018-10-17T14:15:27-04:00A demonstration of data consolidation and interoperability of medical records using the VICA system and SMART on FHIR to pull data from Cerner's sandbox.
HealtheMe related items
A demonstration of data consolidation and interoperability of medical records using the VICA system and SMART on FHIR to pull data from Cerner's sandbox.
It is often difficult for patients to understand and comply with medical instructions. KRM has built several Amazon Echo “skills” as proofs-of-concept for our new VICA (Voice Initiated Care Assistant) for use with our care management platform to provide reminders and help at home, while keeping the patient in contact with the care team..
KRM has long been in demand as an organization that can devise custom software solutions that are both functional and easy to use. We apply industry best practices to design and develop projects that consistently exceed the expectations of our clients.
Our Health & Wellness Management System solution can ingest information from any CCHIT compliant EMR, and has been proven to interact with an HIE using NHIN CONNECT technology. Open-source means this software can be adapted to meet many user needs.