Project Description
KRM Associates Inc. is a skilled group of professionals including experts in several different Government Health Information Technology solutions. We are working with the open source community to make these healthcare systems more interoperable and accessible to other institutions and patients.
For over 17 years, KRM Associates Inc. has been working with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on a number of contracts and projects and our staff also has a vast amount of experience with large implementations of the Indian Health Service’s RPMS system, as well as creating new modules and functionality for the application.
Our experience in developing M/MUMPs for VistA and RPMS, working with federal initiatives and standards including NHIN CONNECT, HL7, and HITSP specifications, as well as experience in private community engagement and the clinical utilization of open-source health information technology will help to ensure the success of any VistA or RPMS related project.
We have been an integral part of OSEHRA since its inception, providing technical expertise in the management and maintenance of VistA, as well as knowledge and experience in the areas of Meaningful Use, Patient-Centered Care, Healthcare IT application certification, and evaluation and testing of open source software submissions. We were among the first non-VA contributors of a fully functioning open source application when we released HealtheMe (an open source application modeled after the VA’s My HealtheVet) in 2012.
KRM has experience working elbow-to-elbow with VA employees in an open source manner to create CDA-based solutions in use at the VA today.
In cooperation with members of the Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) program conducted by the White House and in conjunction with the VA and OSEHRA, members of KRM participated in a significant expansion of VA Blue Button. This expansion included the development of the Blue Button Document Adapter, a project done completely in open source, in which KRM developers were able to contribute code used in production VA systems to facilitate the acquisition, storage, and transmission of CCD XML documents for veterans. This record includes a growing set of data including demographics, vital signs, lab results, problem lists, allergies, immunizations, medications, and encounter history.
The completion of this work also involved numerous developers within VA’s own firewalls. The execution of this project provided these personnel with training in the use of OSEHRA open source techniques and tools, validating that the tools work and are implementable within VA for non-M/Mumps projects – a landmark step for the OSEHRA organization. You can read more about the success of this project here: Read More.